The Boys Program Feature – Exemplary Role Models Jon and Jake

Allow me to reintroduce you to The Boys Program instructor, Jon Harnden, and to officially welcome and introduce our assistant instructor, Jake Harrower.

Jon and I go way back. Besides being the best personal trainer I’ve ever had, he’s also my friend and one of the nicest and most genuine people I know. Jon has always supported my mission of empowering others to believe in themselves. Much to my delight, when I asked him to start working with me to mentor boys, he said yes!

Jake Harrower first came to me as a private lesson student who wanted to improve his confidence and presentation skills. I was immediately impressed by his dedication, determination, and kind demeanor.

Jake is quite an impressive young man. A freshman at Bristol County Agricultural School, he’s also a Boy Scout working towards Eagle Scout. He’s currently at Star Rank, which is two ranks away from Eagle Scout.

Once I got to know Jake, I knew he would be the perfect role model and assistant for The Boys Program. Jake is respectful, responsible, and very grounded. It’s safe to say, based on the comments our students made last night about Jake’s speech and instruction (“you are awesome!”), that we are very fortunate to have him.

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