I commissioned this beautiful digital art work from former Fearless student, turned instructor, Paige Cleary. Please take a moment to read her statement below:

“Authenticity to me is taking the true power and potential within you and letting it live outside of yourself. Only by embracing or “stepping into” your inner power and letting it lead you through life’s challenges will you be able to be the authentic you.

My time at Fearless Focus is what led me to these beliefs. Through them, I have grown into my inner self and have learned to live without self-judgment. From workshops to field trips, every part of Fearless has made me grow up knowing self-worth and authenticity.

As I say, you come to Fearless for the spa days and fashion shows, and you leave with a deeper understanding of yourself and the potential within you. Working with a woman as self-confident and kind as Maria is both inspiring and empowering, and I owe my inner strength to her guidance. I was honored and excited when I was asked to create a visual for her that embodied the idea of inner strength and empowerment.

Stepping into your power, as the drawing states, truly is the first and most important part of living authentically, and I hope my art was able to represent that.”

Paige Cleary – Fearless Focus Instructor

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