Tall Girl

It’s our last day of summer camp and for our movie pj party, the girls of summer chose the movie Tall Girl.

As a tall girl myself, 5’10” without heels, I can relate to feeling out of place and a bit awkward because I always towered over most of my classmates. I received comments like “How’s the weather up there?” “You must play basketball!”, “You’re an Amazon “

Even as an adult, one woman said to me “You’re too tall and shouldn’t wear heels. You scare people.”

I have learned over the years to take it all in stride. I love my height and I love who I am inside and out. I can’t control what others choose to say to me. I can only control myself. So now when people make comments to me like “Wow, you’re so tall.” I simply say with a big smile on my face “Yes, I am. “

We hope to inspire our students to love exactly who they are and not to internalize comments by others as negative. It’s all about self-love and self-acceptance. It isn’t always easy to love and accept yourself, but it’s worth it. Self-confidence is so freeing! ❤️

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