Strong. Powerful. Brave: A Journey to the Power Within.

We’ve probably all been there at some point in our lives.  Some of us only for a few moments, others for what seems like a lifetime.  It’s that moment you fear speaking up for yourself because you don’t want to risk losing a friend or a relationship.  So you stay silent and put up with the shame of feeling “less than”, left out or invisible.

You feel weak and powerless over a situation or a person who appears to have the upper hand.  So you bend to their will and suffer the personal consequences and pain of living in the shadow of someone you believe is better than you or deserves more happiness than you.
You shrink when you enter a room of people because you fear their judgement and thoughts like “I’m not pretty enough or smart enough” run through your head  and it’s almost paralyzing.

Weakness. Powerlessness. Fear.  The words themselves can evoke a flurry of emotions like sadness, frustration, self-loathing, shame…I know because I lived with these words and feelings for far too many years.  I’m happy to say that I finally found my way to self-acceptance and self-love but it certainly wasn’t easy and it took me well into adulthood to figure it out.  As my strength and conviction to be happier became stronger, I began to realize I had the power to be happy, feel beautiful, and stand up for myself all along, I just didn’t know how to access it.  But it was right there inside of me the whole time. Imagine that.

The Fearless Focus Program was created because I felt compelled to help others find their inner-power.  I lived without mine for so long but once I found it, I knew I never wanted to be without it again.  And I certainly never want any child, teen or adult to feel “less than” anyone. 
For twenty years I have worked diligently on the following so our students may experience the joy of feeling STRONGPOWERFUL and BRAVE.

  • Create an atmosphere in our studio where students feel welcomed and safe.  When they feel safe and free from fear of judgement, they begin to blossom and open themselves and their hearts up to new challenges, opportunities and friendships.  It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen!
  • Offer a curriculum that touches on so many aspects of their young lives.  Classes that challenge them to think about who they are and what they stand for.  It’s within that process that they begin to discover their personal power.
  • Practice with public speaking, interviews and role-playing so they can actually experience the importance of organizing their thoughts, speaking up and learning strategies to overcome difficult social situations at school or with friends.
  • Offer opportunities to mentor younger students because helping others is beautiful, selfless and builds strength of character.
  • Provide a platform for walking tall and practicing the importance of the physical presence, owning the space they’re in and positive body language.  This is key in helping them understand that their body language speaks volumes about them before they even speak a word.
  • Continue to update our curriculum to fit the needs of our students and the ever-changing world.   We can help offer new solutions and strategies to fit their needs. 
  • Hire instructors that are former students of the Fearless Focus Program who truly understand and embrace our message of empowerment.

I am very proud of what we have created at the Fearless Focus Program.  When I embarked on this mission of empowering others, I never imagined it would take me through two decades, but here we are and there’s no stopping us!  I have been fortunate to work with so many amazing women who stand by my side and not only support me, but teach me new things about myself that have made me a better person.  I am beyond grateful for this experience and look forward to the continuation of helping others with their journey to the power within.

-Maria Wood-Smith, Founder & Owner of Fearless Focus Program

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