Overcoming 2020: How a Former Fearless Focus Student & Instructor Worked Through Her Challenges From The Past Year

Hi! My name is Haley Martin and I’m a past Fearless Focus student and instructor.

I enrolled as a student at Fearless Focus when I was eleven and served as an instructor all throughout high school and college. I’ve lived in New York City for six years and recently returned to the Boston area due to the pandemic. Leaving New York was an adjustment that I didn’t fathom making, but 2020 was full of challenges that none of us could have imagined.

I think it’s vital to focus on the silver linings and unique opportunities that this past year has brought us. I, along with many others were given the opportunity to spend more time with our families than we have in the last five years combined. On the flip side, those who weren’t able to see family were reminded the importance of cherishing each & every moment they get with there own and dedicating time to be with one another.

I was also given ample time to reflect on the importance of work-life-balance. New York breeds a work-hard play hard mentality, which is one that I honestly enjoyed. Being removed from that environment has kindly reminded me that we work to live, not live to work.

Lastly, this past year has also reminded me to be present and thankful. The brain loves to focus on what’s next. What’s after high school, what’s after college, what’s the next job, the next apartment, the next moment. We (me) are so fixated on what’s next that we often forget to absorb our current success. I’ve hit every goal that’s been on my list, but I’m always fixated on the next goal and not enjoying the current.

This past year has reminded me to celebrate every win, big or small. Be present for the small wins and everyday moments because they’ll be the ones you cherish afterwards.

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