Be Kind To Yourself…Always

Hi everyone, My name is Camryn Dearden and I am a past Fearless Focus student. I started as a student when I was in 5th grade, I’m now 21 years old and I am finishing up my junior year of college in event management!

I owe a lot of who I am today to the Fearless Focus program. Maria and all the instructors I had did an excellent job teaching me about self-love and confidence. I’ll never forget how empowering walking around in high heels felt as a 13 year-old girl inside the studio. Though learning about confidence at the studio was amazing, what I didn’t realize was when I walked out of class, I didn’t have my instructors to remind me to love myself or to hold my head high. When I returned home I had to learn how to apply the things we talked about in class and use it in real life. Similar to walking in high heels at the studio, I had to learn how to walk around in confidence.

At first, I stumbled around a bit, complained of feeling uncomfortable, and felt scared someone would see me fall… and yes, sometimes I did fall. Sometimes I wasn’t confident. But I practiced wearing both high heels and confidence around my living room, and soon enough it was effortless. Of course, there are days, when I still struggle with loving myself or feeling confident in who I am but eventually I catch my balance. It’s important to remember that when you are learning a new thing to be kind to yourself. High heels and confidence do not come without aches and pains, but trust me the practice is very much worth it!

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