Work Hard Toward Self-Acceptance.


“Work hard toward self-acceptance. The payoff is priceless.” – Maria Wood

When you accept who you are, you pave the way toward authenticity. When you live your life in an authentic, genuine way, your self-confidence will soar! Although self-acceptance is an amazing and freeing feeling, it is not as easy for some to accomplish. It takes work and courage to overcome self-doubt and self-loathing.

In an article written for Harvard Health Publishing for Harvard Medical School by Dr. Srini Pillay, he outlines important steps to bolster self-acceptance. The first step Dr. Pillay writes about, self-regulation, directly relates to two classes within the Fashion Focus beginner curriculum that support this step: Poise, Posture and Confidence and Personality.

Self-regulation involves suppressing negative emotions such as self-hatred, refocusing on the positive aspects of yourself, and reframing adverse situations so that you see the opportunities in them. For example, looking for ways in which negative criticism can help you grow constitutes reframing.

In Poise, Posture and Confidence and Personality classes, our instructors prompt the students to reflect on who they are and to choose words that describe them as well as to acknowledge their weaknesses. We ask each student to share with their class what they are proud of and then discuss with them ways to improve their flaws. We recognize that our students need a safe place for self-expression and support from their peers as well as adult role-models.

We’ve instituted a rolling enrollment so that girls may join in when their schedule permits.

Fashion Focus Fall classes begin the week of September 10th and end the week of December 22nd!

To learn about our Fall empowerment program click here:

For more information on how to bolster self-acceptance:
Greater self-acceptance Improves Emotional Well-Being, Harvard Medical School here is the link:

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