Confidence Is Not Given, It’s Earned: Make The Most of Your Child’s April Vacation

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“When it comes to my children, there is nothing I won’t do to support them on their path to a happy, successful life. They key word here is support. I have learned over the years that I cannot give them happiness. I cannot give them success. I cannot give them confidence. They have to earn it themselves.” — Maria Wood, owner and founder of The Fashion Focus Program – Confidence and Inner Beauty

Self-confidence is the key that unlocks so many personal and professional doors in life. With a strong sense of who they are, children are less susceptible to teasing, self-doubt, and social anxiety. Many parents share their frustration with me, “I tell my child all the time how smart, beautiful and talented he/she is. I don’t understand why his/her self-confidence is low.” But the fact of the matter is that children need many influences, not just yours, to help build their confidence and resilience.

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In fact, building self-confidence takes practice. We sign our children up for sports where they practice several times a week to hone their skills at soccer, gymnastics, lacrosse, football, etc. Then why not consider weekly “practice” for their self-confidence, inner strength, resilience, social skills, and positive body image?

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Fashion Focus Program’s weekly classes are the most effective way to help build inner strength and confidence because continuity is key. But I understand how difficult it can be to squeeze another activity into your children’s lives. That’s exactly why I designed our very popular One Day Vacation Camps including our upcoming April STAYcation Camp on April 17th from 10am-4pm. It’s six powerful hours of content specifically designed to help your child discover their potential in a nurturing and supportive environment.

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April STAYcation: One Powerful Day

1. We practice positive body language and the impact of power posing in our Poise, Posture and Confidence class: Amy Cuddy “Your Body Language May Change Who You Are.”

2. We role play and practice Social Icebreakers with our students. Our classes check all of the boxes for how to effectively help your child improve their social skills.

3. We help foster individual creativity and goal-setting with our Fashion Design Workshop and Vision Boards activities.

4. We remind our day campers of how important their physical and emotional health is with our Yoga Retreat.

5. Our special fashion show at the end of camp helps our students build confidence. By stepping outside of their comfort zone, our girls reap the benefits of self-satisfaction and pride.

Why not make the most of your child’s April vacation and send them back to school with a newfound sense of confidence? To find out more about our one-day camps click here.


Maria Wood


The Fashion Focus Program

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