The Powerhouse Program is BACK!

We are so pleased to announce that the Powerhouse Program is coming to Maria Wood Studios, 31 Schoosett Street in Pembroke, on Thursdays this November 7th, 14th, and 21st. Please see times and descriptions of weekly topics below along with the bios on our Powerhouse Players.


To build inner strength and confidence in children and teens with the hope that no child feels powerless in any situation. The focus of this 3-week program is to give kids the tools to build themselves up and be their own source of empowerment…to be their own Powerhouse: a person of great energy, strength, and power.


Thursday, November 7th: 6:00-7:00pm

Thursday, November 14th: 6:00-7:00pm

Thursday, November 21st: 6:00-7:30pm*


Maria Wood Studios, 31 Schoosett Street, Pembroke

COST: $70.00




For nineteen years, Maria Wood-Smith, owner and founder of the Fashion Focus Program and Maria Wood Studios in Pembroke, has been spreading her positive message of inner-strength and self-confidence all over New England.

Her work, not only in her businesses but also in her extensive community outreach, has allowed Maria to become a fixture on the South Shore, promoting self-confidence and self-love. She has worked with thousands of kids, teaching them how to feel good about and believe in themselves and providing a safe place to express their individuality.

Maria understands the need to help all children learn how to cope with the ever-increasing stress brought on by school, social media, and the ensuing social anxiety brought about by these pressures. She created the Powerhouse Program so that boys and girls of all ages can learn how to access their personal power and become their own powerhouses.


As a father of two children and somebody who was “bullied” as a kid, Jon understands how important it is to teach people how to gain self-confidence and learn how to deal with difficult situations. When he was a young child, there were little to no resources to help him with his situation. He was forced to learn on his own. Through playing sports, having a ‘never give up’ attitude and learning the importance of simply asking a question, his self-confidence grew. To his surprise, the bullying stopped. He was standing taller/prouder and realized that the world wasn’t so bad. The world wasn’t against him. He was no longer afraid.

With his new outlook about life, the future was limitless. It led Jon to a successful term with the Mass Army National Guard, a Rugby career spanning 20+ years and a job as a personal trainer. His two children know the importance of being empowered or being a powerhouse! He can’t help but be proud watching them stand up against bullying and actually teaching their friends about how to take life into their own hands and not letting anybody take advantage of them.

“I was on my own as a kid, learning this all by myself. It was difficult. The joy is, you are NOT alone. We are here for you. You can learn how to take control, stand taller, feel better. You will be a Powerhouse.” — Jon Harnden


Brit Lawrence helps small businesses flourish and grow in their local communities through digital marketing. As a former student of Maria Wood, Brit returned regularly to teach and support other girls in the pursuit of self-confidence at the Fashion Focus Program. With a Bachelor’s degree from New York University, she lived in New York City and London, England before returning to Massachusetts and starting her own business. Today, in a rapidly changing online world, social media education is one of the many ways she helps her clients succeed online. And it’s not just businesses who benefit form a social media education. Her expertise uniquely positions her to speak to parents and children alike about the new ways social media can affect their lives, future opportunities, and personal and professional connections. Brit credits Maria Wood’s programs and friendship as one of the main pillars for her self-confidence which allows her to succeed in business, travel around the world and meet new friends and clients.


Week 1 — Nobember 7th – 6:00-7:00pm

Strong Physical Presence

Maria Wood-Smith, along with Jon Harnden, will work with the boys and girls on the following: 1. Defining their character and understanding, accepting, and taking pride in their personal strengths; 2. Confidence-building tips and strategies; 3. Attaining a stronger physical presence by practicing good posture, maintaining eye contact, and owning the space that they’re in.

Week 2 — November 14th – 6:00-7:00pm

How to Navigate Socially with Confidence

Maria and Jon will lead this very important aspect of the program. When children lose their self-confidence, they also lose their ability to socialize with ease, therefore feeling more and more isolated. They will work with the children and teens on role-playing with each other, as well as with the male and female volunteer peer mentors who will be present this week. Participants will leave with handouts that will offer strategies and tips on how to be more socially aware and take some of the “awkward moments” into their control.

Week 3 — November 21st – 6:00-7:30pm

Recognition, Reaction, and Real Results with Special Guest Speaker and Social Media Expert, Brit Lawrence

Maria, Jon, and special guest speaker Brit Lawrence will lead this discussion on the Three R’s: 1. Recognition of early danger signs of the 4 types of bullying; social, cyber, verbal and physical; 2. Reaction – the importance of exhibiting the appropriate but necessary reaction when faced with a potentially threatening situation, whether it be verbally, physically and on social media; 3. Real Results can happen when you have the confidence to stand up for yourself all of the time.

Parents are asked to join us at 6:45pm for a special presentation by Brit on social media awareness.


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