Social Anxiety & The Pandemic A Few Notable Changes I’ve Observed

Life as we knew it dramatically changed in March of 2020. Two and a half years later, I am now able to look back and reflect with some clarity and understanding of the indelible mark the pandemic has left on our Fearless Focus students and the changes I’ve observed in their needs.

  • For many, the social isolation brought on by the pandemic caused loss of friendships and familiar connections. Many now face uncertainty as to how to move forward in pursuing new friendships.
  • Feelings of sadness due to loss of friends, therefore shutting down to new experiences in fear they will be rejected.
  • The over exposure to social media during the pandemic is a direct result of the number one fear our students share with us.. THE FEAR OF JUDGEMENT!
  • Mental exhaustion, easily overwhelmed and the need for more decompression time after they come home from school.

As a parent myself, I realize that helping a child gain self-confidence during elementary, middle and high school is challenging for sure. However, it has become exponentially more difficult post-pandemic. Our goal with Fearless Focus classes and our meaningful curriculum is to help students face these challenges head on.

We are also so excited to reveal our newly designed “confidence corner” with soft seating, colorful art work and confidence reminders on the walls.

We provide a safe environment that allows them to test the waters first and practice being more bold, less worried about others’ opinions, and engage in role playing so they have the time and practice to come up with empowering dialogue during difficult exchanges with peers. It’s one of the best feelings to observe the support our students receive not only from Fearless Focus staff but from their fellow students as well.

Additionally, our students come from all over the South Shore, so class time provides the perfect opportunity to socialize with ease and meet like-minded peers.

Maria Wood-Smith

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