Self-Love is an Inside Job

Self-Love in Girls

What comes to mind when you hear the term “self-love”?

Is it taking care of yourself and knowing what you’re doing matters – and that you shouldn’t be settling for less or worrying so much about pleasing everyone else?

It is natural to look outside of ourselves when in fact, we need to be focusing inward. You will understand the complexity of people as you grow and that you will not be able to please everyone, so why not focus on the one you know best? Yourself.

Often people think that if they focus on their needs, they will come across as selfish and self-centered. It may feel that way at first because you are drawing on your self-worth by how others perceive you. Try to get that same feeling when you honor what you genuinely want for yourself and see how amazing and powerful that feels. Doing this over time will help you to thrive and succeed in life.


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