Self-Love Defeats Bullying

Fearless Focus Program

Hi, I’m Izzy,

Recently I have been feeling down on my confidence, and my mental health has been in my way for the last month. But this week, I realized I am loved, and I love myself for who I am. When I was back in elementary school, I was bullied a ton for what I liked and how I looked. Now I realize it doesn’t matter what others think of you, just be yourself.

It sometimes sucks when you are alone and have nowhere to go. But even when you are feeling down in that moment when you are just sitting alone, you need to remember you have family and friends who love you. Being bullied just because you have acne, scars, marks, bruises, etc., on your body does not mean that the people closest to you do not love you. We all have good and bad days in life, but that should not stop you from being who you are meant to be.

I’ve been feeling down on myself for the past few weeks, saying, “Oh, I don’t like my body, and I should starve myself so I can lose weight.” Now I am saying to myself, I have been given a healthy body, and even with my imperfections, I am still the best version of myself at this moment. I want to go on adventures and have healthy relationships, especially with myself. I don’t want to fake anything that isn’t the most authentic version of me. I love every person who has been in my life and supported me! I love you all! 

  • Izzy, Fearless Focus Student. 15 years old. 

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