How to conquer “FOMO”

Fearless Focus Blog

“FOMO” stands for Fear of Missing Out.⁣⁣

At one time or another, we have all experienced “FOMO.” What is concerning is that the Fear of Missing Out is associated with various mental health issues, such as fatigue and stress, which can, in turn, cause people including our children to experience problems with their physical health.⁣⁣ One important statistic is that FOMO exists when people use social media excessively. For example, people who use social media immediately after waking up or right before sleep to check on their friends.⁣⁣ People can experience FOMO in a variety of situations. For example, ⁣people may worry that they’re missing out on enjoyable events that their peers are going to, which can cause them to feel anxious and upset. ⁣Or they feel that they may miss out on valuable opportunities if they turn down other people’s offers, even if it’s something they are not interested in doing. 

WE FOUND SOME GREAT TIPS TO LESSEN THE FEAR OF MISSING OUT!⁣⁣ If social media triggers your FOMO, you could try to reduce the amount of time that you spend on social media sites. Be present, call a friend, join a club, work out, or start a fun hobby.⁣⁣ The key is to practice Mindfulness! We talk a lot about Mindfulness here at Fearless Focus. It’s essential to focus on the present moment while accepting your thoughts and emotions in a non-judgemental manner. You then implement the power of positive affirmations to shift those negative thoughts. This mindset can help you avoid FOMO where possible and help you reduce FOMO’s negative impact in situations that come up in your life. 

What is "FOMO?"

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